Sunday, 8 August 2010

Colette's Horse & Dog Shows
at Ingatestone Hall

Well, what a great day out! Brilliant weather, lots of competitors and some great riding. Couple that with the largest entries for the dog show so far and this is one event to put in your diary for next year. Click on the photo above to see all the pictures...


Anonymous said...

I understand that you need to protect your photos from being copied but the 'watermark' you use is very intrusive and makes it very hard to see the photos clearly enough when deciding whether to buy or not!

Graham Gott said...

As you quite rightly point out, I have to protect my images from unlawful copyright theft. I tried pay per view which was not popular, and I even removed my galleries all together. However, people insist on the opportunity to purchase at a later date so the only alternative is to use a watermark. There is a fine balancing act on how strong to have it but I think it is now just about right. Details can be seen behind it but it overpowers the image as a whole.

If you would like a second opinion on choosing an image please feel free to e-mail me.
